MetroBank: YazzCard (Promo Video)
Filmed by BongVideos Production Directed by Bong Fernandez Produced by Team One Group #KakaiBautista #YAZZCard

Nilandingan, Cagbalete: Above It All
Boracay is closed for six months which means life gave all of us an opportuinity to explore much better options all over the country. The...

YAZZCARD #YAZZYOUCAN (1 of 7) with Kakai Bautista
YAZZ Card Project Episode 1 of 7: #PARTEE Produced by TEAM ONE GROUP in collaboration with BongVideos Production Client: MetroBank...

Bubbles Crispy Pata Restaurant, Lucena City, Quezon Province
Have you ever had the best crispy pata? I have a contender then! Watch the full video and try not to drool. #LoriBaltazar...

DCFOnVideo: Starbucks Cold Brew Coffee
#DessertComesFirst #LoriBaltazar