30 DAYS STRAIGHT (A Rollerblade Story)
This is a montage of my 30-days straight of #rollerblading. I am not a professional skater just to be clear. I just wanted to achieve...

Don't Stop Me Now! (Determination + Passion)
Almost eight years ago, I was given a chance to film a wedding in California. It was a dream come true because I was just starting...

BogeyMan Live: Kota Kinabalu
Produced and Directed by Bong Fernandez with Bogey Asensi. A travel vlog filmed in Malaysia. #Travel #Asia

Nilandingan, Cagbalete: Above It All
Boracay is closed for six months which means life gave all of us an opportuinity to explore much better options all over the country. The...

Unsung Heroes: Channel Of Hope Foundation
Simon Bishop and his family took the liberty of helping those who are in need in our country. They have been doing missionary work for...